Bell’s artistic progression began with weaving. “I always loved color and texture,” explains Bell. “When I studied during my junior year at the University of Stockholm, I was surrounded by the rich, deep colors of the Scandinavian culture, and I learned to weave on an eight-harness loom.”
Recently, Bell discovered that unweaving small pieces of certain fabrics revealed the artistic elements of the cloth. To share her joy for life and art, she creates greeting cards with pieces of purposefully frayed fabric. Bell offers, “It is in the smallest details that life is savored.”
The Sconcho is another innovative fabric art form that Bell has conceptualized and named. “Sconcho”—easier to wear and more versatile than either a scarf or a poncho. Now, she enjoys the hunt for not only perfect texture and color, but also the drape of the fabric.
Bell’s wearable art and unwoven greeting cards are for sale in boutiques in Minnesota, at Chicago area art festivals, the Galena Country Fair, and Hello Galena!